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The Fifth Child Initiative originated when my mother Lil Brown brought the concept of the Fifth Child to our Seders when I was a child. She stressed the importance of never forgetting about the child who did not survive and therefore could not ask a question. This concept had such a profound impact on me throughout my childhood that it was, in fact, one of the driving forces behind my daughter Maxie and I creating and curating our family’s personal Haggadah.

The Haggadah Collective recently partnered with One More Candle, an initiative that has recently received a humanitarian award grant from B’nai Brith Canada. This organization is committed to remembering every one of the 1.5 million children murdered in the Holocaust. Simply put, they bring light to darkness.

By lighting a candle for one of the 1.5 million children who perished in the Holocaust, you can help their name be remembered and honoured. Some of these names have never been said out loud for over 75 years. One More Candle gives you the opportunity to adopt a memory so that a murdered child has someone to remember that they lived and were loved and that their lives mattered. This can be done by saying their name out loud and saying Kaddish on their yahrzeit or by simply lighting just One More Candle every year on the anniversary of their death.

Therefore it is our hope that you visit in order to adopt a memory and receive your child’s name and consider saying it out loud when you read The Fifth Child found in The Haggadah Collective. If desired, please scroll below to download and print The Fifth Child Initiative Insert so that you can inscribe your Fifth Child’s name in the space provided and insert it next to The Fifth Child in your Haggadah.

A child of a Holocaust survivor shared this profound memory... “As a child my dad used to take me on nature walks at the cottage and always picked a purple flower that grew in the wild. It was called a Forget Me Not. He always picked it, gave it to me and said, “forget me not.”

Let’s not forget. 

The Haggadah Collective